Kidz Physical Therapy is super excited to follow up on our announcement that there is now an option to have Speech Therapy in addition to Physical Therapy. What does this mean? It means more options to customize your child's Intensive Boot Camp to what they need. Let's get to know the Speech Therapist a little better:
After working with adults for several years, she decided to specialize in pediatrics. She graduated from Minot State University with a Bachelors in Communication Disorders and a Masters in Speech-Language Pathology and holds a certification from the American Speech Language and Hearing Association. She has been working primarily with children birth-21 years since 2012 in the schools, clinic, daycare, and home settings. She has experience working with children with a variety of communication disorders including speech-sound, social communication, fluency, language, and voice. In addition, she has extensive knowledge and practice with augmentative communication and pediatric feeding disorders. She is passionate about helping everyone find their voice and teaching children and their caregivers how to use it! Please welcome, Maseray!
If you are thinking of booking an Intensive for your child and feel like Speech would be a nice addition to Physical Therapy, please ask about options! Contact Kidz Physical Therapy with any questions. We are happy to help talk through how we set up our camps based off of what your goals are, what you are looking for, what works for your family, and what your child needs!